
The second aspect that should be readily available (whether on a project’s website or Discord) should be details of the team members behind the project:

  • How big is the team?

  • Do they have enough people to manage all aspects of the project successfully?

  • Do team members have relevant experience in their respective positions?

The typical roles of team members on an NFT project are:

  • Artist - Full-time or freelancer? Any reputation?

  • Developers - Are there enough (typically minimum of 2-3)? Do they have prior experience that are relevant to what they are proposing to build? Are they full-time? The importance of these questions can depend significantly on how big a focus the project has on utility and how grand their roadmap/vision is.

  • Marketing - Are there specific people fully dedicated to marketing initiatives and Twitter management? What are their key marketing strategies and how effective have they been so far?

  • Community Managers and Moderators - Are there active community managers or moderators in Discord? Are they welcoming and helpful? Are they engaging in meaningful discussions or simply hyping up the project aggressively 100% of the time?

  • Oftentimes there is a main project manager too, but very often they are also playing one of the other roles.

Another consideration that many people have is whether the team members are doxxed publicly. This can be a significant booster for confidence in the project, especially if the team members are qualified and reputable.

This is not to say that projects with undoxxed founders and team members should be immediately written off, but there is indeed increased risk. In these cases, it may be prudent to wait for the team to have delivered some items on the roadmap first.

Oftentimes, founders and key team members may be privately doxxed too by a third-party doxxing service such as Alpha-Verifi, which may provide some comfort.

Last updated